Past Contests

Presence in Practice: Scholarship Within and Beyond Academia

Fall 2020

This year, The Ecotone will focus its fall contest on the increasing need for the communication of ideas between the academy and communities outside of the academy. With this contest, we wish to highlight the need for academic work that communicates important environmental and cultural ideas to larger audiences, be that through activism, art, or prose. Our focus with this contest is on the particular skills necessary for distilling academic work into clearly established stakes.

We will be accepting submissions of art and writing in all forms. Prose should be no longer than 3,000 words, and poetry submissions should be no longer than 10 pages total.

The first place winner will receive $200, first runner up will receive $100, and honorable mention will receive $50. There is no reading fee for The Ecotone. All contest submissions will also be considered for publication in the larger issue.


Submissions should be emailed to in an attached .doc or .docx document for written submissions and in an attached .gif or .jpeg format for art and photography. Please include name and contact information, and specify that the submission is for the contest.